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Writer's picture: Rhovonda BrownRhovonda Brown

“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! 

Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it.” 

(Psalm 139:14, NLT)

If I’m not careful, sometimes, I find myself comparing my God-given talents with another person’s. Instead of celebrating my uniqueness, I compare what I can’t do or don’t have. I believe, as women, sometimes, we tend to compare ourselves to other people, other women. We compare such things as our looks, our personality, our weight, and our style of clothes. We compare our educational background and economical status. We compare our marriages, parenting skills, and our children. We even compare our Christian roles that God has placed us in.

We spend time looking at what God is doing in another person’s life. We waste our energy focusing on the gifts (special abilities) that God has given someone else. We try so hard at being like other people, doing things like other people, or being better than them. We do so much comparing, that we fail to acknowledge the greatness that’s inside of us………..and let me remind you, that greatness is God!!

Sisters, we can celebrate who we are!! We can celebrate where we are in life and what God is doing in our own lives! We are special! We’re different and beautiful women! We are wonderfully made! We’re not made to look and act like each; we’re unique! The only person we should try to look like and act like is Christ.

God made us the way we are………beautiful and fearfully made!! When we compare ourselves to someone else, we miss giving God the glory for making us. We miss giving Him thanks and enjoying our own uniqueness!!

Listen, Jesus was different! When He walked the earth, He didn’t do things like other people. Everything He did was scrutinized because the world wasn’t ready for His matchlessness!! Jesus Christ was and is like no other!! He’s unique and so are we!

My sister, we are unique, beautiful women made by a unique and beautiful God!!

LET’S CHAT ABOUT IT: If I’m not careful, sometimes, I find myself comparing my God-given talents with another person’s. Instead of celebrating my uniqueness, I compare what I can’t do or don’t have. As a Christian woman (or man), what kind of comparisons do you find yourself making?

During your Quiet Time, MEDITATE  on God’s Word, WATCH to today’s music video and KEEP walking in freedom!


Rhovonda L. Brown is speaker and author of two bestsellers, Walking in Freedom!: A Thirty-Day Devotional Journey for Women and At Least Say, “Thank You!”: An 8-Day Devotional Plan for a Grateful Heart. 

Copyright ©2010-2016. Rhovonda L. Brown. All Rights Reserved.


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