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Undisclosed Wars

Writer's picture: Rhovonda BrownRhovonda Brown

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You never know what someone is currently experiencing. We do not know the kinds of challenges or battles another person may be facing personally. I am guilty of being in my little world focusing on me and mine. I’m so enthralled by what’s going on in my life that sometimes I neglect to notice what someone else might be feeling, or I may overlook the difficulties they’re going through.

I may not see that the brother I pass by every day at work or the sister that greets me with a beautiful “good morning” smile is in an undisclosed war. I can’t even imagine how tough it is for them. Yet, at times I cloud my mind with trivial things such as “she didn’t speak to me today” or “I wonder what I’ll eat for lunch.” All the while, that person standing next to me is experiencing all kinds of hell, socially, mentally, emotionally, or physically.

So, I must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and more discerning of a person’s disposition. I must be empathetic and have compassion for others. The person that I see every day could be fighting for their life.

Let’s be mindful. Be mindful of our words and actions. Think about how we should treat one another. Be conscious of how we respond to people and their circumstances. Be careful of our thoughts. Let’s think before we speak. Let us be aware of how we perceive individuals who are different from us. Remember, we don’t know what she or he could be dealing with in their personal lives.

“You have no idea what’s going on for someone behind closed doors. You have no idea. Even the people that smile the biggest smile and shines the brightest lights, it seems to have compassion for what’s actually potentially going on.” Meghah markle

God has given us this tremendous responsibility to choose our words wisely and live and love like Jesus Christ. As Christ-followers, we must speak healing and comfort over one another. We can choose to have conversations that bring peace and consolation rather than utterly destroy a person with the words we say. (See Scriptures about taming the tongue.)

I wear this shirt to support a brave warrior who, before she made it public, was privately battling a war.

"All praises belong to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he is the Father of tender mercy and the God of endless comfort. He always comes alongside us to comfort us in every suffering so that we can come alongside those who are in any painful trial. We can bring them this same comfort that God has poured out upon us." - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 TPT 

Daily I saw this brave soldier busy working hard and serving others; we would say hi to one another and occasionally have small talk. I never knew she was in a fight of her life. And it was not my business to know. She eventually made it public and invited me to stand with her (and her family) in prayer and support as she fights and WIN breast cancer.

Will you pray with me as I pray for her and individuals who are quietly battling undisclosed wars?

Dear great God. I know You are a Healer because Your Word says so, and I have seen You heal me and many others. Father, do it again! Restore, recover, mend, deliver, renew, transform, build up, and strengthen those who stand in dire need of Your miraculous, incredible healing power. There is nothing too hard for You! Thank You for being everything we need. You are our hope. Thank You for being a Healer!

It’s Monday… already! Here is our Word from the Lord to encourage us to be mindful of our words and actions and be clothed in love.

“So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.” - Colossians 3:12-14 MSG 

Be careful of our thoughts. Let’s think before we speak. Let us be aware of how we perceive individuals who are different from us. Remember, we don’t know what she or he could be dealing with in their personal lives. Tweet

Let’s walk in freedom together!

Your sis,


  1. Unauthorized Personnel

  2. July 30, 2021

  3. Limitation

  4. August 13, 2021

  5. Troubled today?

  6. June 11, 2021


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