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Uncharted Territory

Writer's picture: Rhovonda BrownRhovonda Brown
unchartered territory_WIFD

Some of us are walking new territories, uncharted highways. This place is unfamiliar to us. We’ve never done this before. Never seen it this way. Never been here. It’s all new to us. Maybe it’s a new career or a relationship. Perhaps you’ve moved to a new city or country. Joined a new church, began a new ministry or recently gave your life to Christ. Whatever new thing God is doing, it is unprecedented. My friend, this is a new season, a new path. Our lives have changed. Now, we have new responsibilities.

Since this road is unfamiliar to us, we’re feeling a certain kind of way. Uncomfortable. Unsure. Unglued. Uneasy. We’re complaining, stressing, and questioning our decisions. And we are beginning to doubt God. We’re experiencing fear, hesitation, and anxieties.

“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.”

(Ps. 94:19, NLT)

Beloved, here are 3 things to remember as we travel this path.

1. God brought us here. Remember this is God’s doing. My sister, we may not understand what He’s doing, but we can trust Him. Our sovereign Lord is in control. He has allowed us to be here. This is part of His perfect plan, and He has a purpose for everything He does. Therefore, continue to let Him lead. He’s our unerring map and we must trust and faithfully follow Him.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jer. 29:11, NIV)

2. It’s not new to God. My brother, remember our Father is all-powerful, all-knowing, eternal and ever-present. God is not caught off guard by anything. He knows it all! This uncomfortable place – though strange to us – is not foreign to God. We can be certain that He is with us. Yes, this is unfamiliar. Yes, we’re experiencing some growing pains. Yes, we are unsure and have some questions; however, we can count on our Father. Not only that, but He allows us to ask questions and He will answer them when He’s ready.

So do not be afraid. I am with you.

Do not be terrified. I am your God.

I will make you strong and help you.

I will hold you safe in my hands.

I always do what is right.

(Is. 41:10, NIRV)

3. Enjoy the journey. Dear one, refuse to give in to complaining. God has strategically positioned us in a perfect place. Now, let us enjoy it. Don’t waste precious time complaining about how different things feel or seem. Give God thanks and appreciate every moment. Let’s show our appreciation for what God is doing by giving Him praise. Worship God and tell Him thanks.

“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;

make known among the nations what he has done.” (Ps. 105:1, NIV)

Sister, we’re on uncharted territories. God is taking us higher, and it’s precisely how He planned it. It is exactly where God has ordained us to be. Have peace in what He is doing. Our merciful God is in control. He always is. He always does. And He always will be.

Pray this prayer: Father, thank You for caring so much about me. You have prepared my life before I was born. I was predestined to be here at this appointed time. You have awesome plans for me. My confidence is in You. Give me peace to relinquish my will. Give me the courage to trust You. Help me remember that these fears and worries are not of You. Heavenly Father, replace them with Your love and Your power. Give me self-control. Lord, I thank You for being my portion and strength and peace. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Encouraging You to Walk in Freedom! ™

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