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Remember Who You Are

Writer's picture: Rhovonda BrownRhovonda Brown

Happy Tuesday! Happy first day of March! Happy Birthday Month to me! Yep, I’m celebrating my birthday ALLLLLL month long! I invite you to celebrate life with me!

Well, great morning to you and welcome new Freedom Walkers! Thank you so much for joining us on this exciting journey! The freedom journey is filled with ups and downs, some highs and some lows. But do you know what’s the best part of this journey? We get to walk it out with our Savior and Friend, Jesus Christ! He’s way better than the best! He’s an EXCEPTIONAL companion!!

Today’s Walking in Freedom! Devotional will remind you about the beautiful person Jesus sees when He looks at you. Yes, you! You are His masterpiece and you belong to Him!

Happy Tuesday! Now, don’t stop walking in freedom! Your sis, Rhovonda L. Brown


“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”(1 Pet. 2:9, AMP)

The Lion King is such a great movie! I remember watching it for the first time when I didn’t have any kids saying to myself, I can’t wait to have kids so they can see this movie! Lion King is such a great movie because it teaches so many valuable lessons that a child can learn. From the movie, children learn about love, family, the circle of life, courage, obedience, friendship, evil, fear, jealously, and so much more.

One valuable lesson that The Lion King teaches is that you can’t run from the person you were born to be. Mufasa told his son, Simba, to “Remember who you are.”1 Simba allowed his uncle to run him away from the person he was meant to be – born to be – a king. When I think about Mufasa’s statement, oftentimes, I think about how the people of God have allowed the thoughts of others to dictate how they see themselves. I think about how we, as women, allow the words of people and the lies of Satan to become our belief of how we see ourselves.

As women, we can be our worst critic. We can be so hard on ourselves. Some of us have been beaten down by life, people, and ourselves so much so that we have lowered our self-esteem. We are our own enemy. We don’t believe in ourselves and we don’t believe (or we forget) what God says about us. We believe what other people say. We trust their opinions and we believe their lies. We listen to their negativity, their mean words spoken against us and about us. We listen and believe so much until, like Simba, we ran away from who we were created to be. We run away from the women we were born to be, destined to be the woman God has called us to be. We run from who God says we are.

We allow the world, men and women, media, and our past to define who we are. We see ourselves the way others see us. We look for validation and approval from people and things. We look for others to tell us how beautiful we are, how special we are, how intelligent we are, how powerful we are. We look for approval from others who really don’t have a clue about who we are. They do not know our true worth. They don’t know how valuable we are. But God does.

Instead of believing in ourselves and believing what God says about us, we believe the lies. We forget about all the wonderful things our Creator says about us in His word because we don’t read it or meditate on it. We look to the world to tell us who we should be and what we should do and how we should act. We allow people and the world to be the mirror and image in which we see ourselves. We believe what they see and what they say, rather than what God says. Why? Why do we listen to their lies and to their negative words?

My sister, do you know who you are? Do you know who you were born to be? Do you know who your Father is? We are daughters of the Most High God! We belong to the Holy, Righteous King who is King of all kings and Lord of all lords! We were created by the Master, so that makes us His masterpieces! We are phenomenal!

Read and meditate on God’s Word, and embrace all that He says you are! Starting today, from this day forward, let’s remember what God says about us and who He says we are. Let’s pledge to God and to ourselves that we will see ourselves the way God sees us!

Now, take a look in the mirror. Right now. Go to the ladies room if you have to. Declare to yourself and over yourself. Speak into the atmosphere and to the world that you are:








Say it again, sis! Even louder! Let God’s Word resound in your ear, heart, mind and spirit! Keep saying it until you, without a doubt, believe it!!

Your sis,

  1. The Lion King, Dir. Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff, Buena Vista Pictures, 1994.

*Post originally published on November 29, 2011. Updated and republished on August 4, 2021.

During your quiet time MEDITATE on today’s scriptures. Be motivated by today’s VIDEO. Allow all these things to encourage you to walk in freedom!


Rhovonda L. Brown is speaker and author of two bestsellers, Walking in Freedom!: A Thirty-Day Devotional Journey for Women and At Least Say, “Thank You!”: An 8-Day Devotional Plan for a Grateful Heart.

Need a little help with finding your passion and igniting it? Learn how Rhovonda can help you ignite your passion or learn more about her women’s ministry. Copyright ©2010-2016. Rhovonda L. Brown. All Rights Reserved.



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