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Writer's picture: Rhovonda BrownRhovonda Brown

Greetings Freedom Walker!

Do you feel a shifting in the atmosphere, in your ministry, spiritual walk or personal life? How are you handling the changes that God is doing in your life?

“Making adjustments can be difficult, but sometimes it’s necessary. Life is about modifications. When the weather fluctuates, we adjust by changing our outer appearances. When relationships turn sour, though difficult it may be, we make the necessary transitions to move forward. When the economy shifts on us, we modify our spending. We change our goals, directions, eating habits, and lifestyles. Change is never easy; however, it’s best, especially when God is transforming our lives.” Excerpt from the book Walking in Freedom! A Thirty-Day Devotional Journey for Women by Rhovonda L. Brown. Copyright 2014 by Rhovonda L. Brown. All rights reserved.

Today’s devotional will challenge you to not resist the exciting transformation God is doing in your life, as well as encourage you to release all restrictions you might have on Him.

May you be blessed by today’s Waking in Freedom! Devotional


Your sis, Rhovonda Brown Founder and Executive Director, Martha & Mary Ministries, Walking in Freedom!

“O LORD, how great are Your works! Your thoughts are very deep. A senseless man does not know, Nor does a fool understand this.” Psalm 92:5-6, NKJV

Do you have a longing for something different, a desire for a change, and an urge for a transformation? Is there a pulling for something more? You don’t know what it is. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but you feel a tugging for something more. There’s a shifting in the atmosphere!

Maybe you tired of the same things, tired of going to the same places, and seeing and hanging around the same people? Perhaps you are tired of getting the same results, and the things that you’re doing have become blah, blah, blah. Mundane. There’s no fire, no drive, no impact, no fulfillment, and no difference being made. There has been no change or effect. You know something is missing. There’s a longing, a desire, an urge for something more.

Sis, are you tired of the same old, same old? Are you tired of doing the same thing over and over again? Are you tired of having the same program, singing the same old songs, and praying the same old prayers? Are you tired of preaching that same old sermon? Are you ready for something new? Are ready to go higher in God?

Well, sister, there is more. So much more God wants to show you. So much more God wants to do through you. Much more God has for you and want to give you. It’s time to do something different. It’s time to make some changes. Time to move some things around. Make some alterations and adjustments. It’s time to move those programs and tradition out of the way. It’s time to let the Holy Spirit have His way! It’s time to stop doing things the same old ways. God is so much bigger than what we think. He’s immeasurable, enormous. He’s HUGE!! He’s so deep and so wide that our little brains cannot fathom or comprehend the vastness of His presence, power, perfection, and plans for our lives.

“Your [infinite] knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high above me, I cannot reach it.” Psalm 130:6, AMP

Right now, we are only scratching the surface of God’s magnificent and awesome power. There’s so much more. God wants to do so much more through us. All we have to do (need to do) is remove the limitations we have on God. Would you believe that we, God’s creation, have actually placed God in a box? We have foolishly, in our own limitations, have limited the unlimited, immutable, omnipresence, omniscient, omnipotent God? That’s crazy for us to try limit the Creator. For He is an amazing God! He’s breathtaking and He cannot be boxed up. He cannot be contained no matter how hard we try to contain Him.

Spreading by Sinach by 2016 New Single by Sinach of Christ Embassy

My sister, God wants to show Himself strong in your life and in everything you do. But you must take the limits off of Him. He wants to do big, different, exceptional, and new things in our lives. We can’t even imagine what He’s going to do but we have to get out of His way. Let’s not hinder the Holy Spirit anymore. Let’s not put our limitation on God. Let us stop trying to keep Him contained and simply yield to God’s power and authority. So, release the restrictions. Tear down the box you have placed God in and let Him be glorified through you.

Have an amazing Friday! Let’s remove the restrictions and walk in our freedom together.

Encouraging You to Walk in Freedom! ™

*Updated August 13, 2021. Originally posted July 29, 2011.


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