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If I Must Brag-Pt2

Writer's picture: Rhovonda BrownRhovonda Brown

In chapter 11 and 12 of 2 Corinthians, Paul bravely does what most leaders are too afraid to do and many avoid. He brags about his weaknesses. He could have bragged about being a great theologian who was a Pharisee and a son of a Pharisee. Paul could have boasted about the many churches he had planted and the mass number of souls he had converted into Believers. Paul could have proudly celebrated and bragged about all the great things God had done through him. Instead of boasting about his numerous accomplishments, Paul chose to brag about his weaknesses. Paul shares with the Corinthian church his struggles, his setbacks, his trials, his tribulations, and those things he experienced for the sake of Christ.

Paul says, “If I must brag, I will brag about the things that show I am weak” (2 Cor. 11:30, NCV). And why in the world would this great leader do such a crazy thing? Why talk about his weaknesses? Why share with others how flawed you are? Why open our mouths and disclose our imperfections and inadequacies? Here’s why:

“So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” (2 Cor. 12:9b, NLT)

When we’re weak, that’s when Christ’s power can be seen. When we acknowledge our limitations, that’s when God can be made BIG. When we rejoice in God and in humility, we share our struggles with others, then the dunamis – the Greek word for power, which means force, miraculous power, ability, abundance, might strength, mighty wonderful work – of Christ can live through us! Now, that’s POWER!! When we realize that apart from God, you and I can’t do anything, that’s when His POWER rests upon us. His miraculous POWER is seen. Our weaknesses remind us that we only exist because of Him. Our weakness displays humility. And humility, my sister, is a sign of submission. Once we submit to God, we surrender our will and power to Him. Then, God is glorified in our weaknesses. He’s made BIG. Wow!!

The fact is we’re all weak. Our sin makes us weak. We all fall short; for all have sinned (Rom. 3:23). We cannot live this life without God’s help, without His dunamis. We need rescuing. We need His help and we’re in need of a Savior. We need Jesus! He’s our lifeline, who bore our infirmities and weaknesses on the cross (Isaiah 53). Hallelujah! Therefore, my sisters, we don’t have to be afraid or embarrassed or ashamed to share our weaknesses. We don’t have to keep our mouths closed about our story. Our testimony (the good, the bad, and the ugly) will encourage others to triumph over their situation. Our story will remind someone else that God is faithful. Our struggles will push us to our knees, in humble submission, totally depending on our mighty God.

So, go ahead. Brag, if you must! But brag about your weaknesses. Let’s brag about our limitations. Let us boast about how desperately we need Jesus’ help. When Satan comes to condemn us – which he will – let’s resist him by saying, “The weaker I get, the stronger I become because God’s POWER lives in me!”

It’s Wednesday, Hump Day! Rejoice in our weaknesses, so Christ’s dunamis power can be seen!

Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become. (2 Cor. 12:10, MSG)

During your quiet time, meditate on today’s scriptures. Be motivated to be a godly leader for Christ who is not ashamed to show her weaknesses.

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Copyright ©2010-2016. Rhovonda L. Brown. All Rights Reserved.

No portion of Martha & Mary Ministries, Walking in Freedom!™ Devotionals may be reproduced, stored in any electronic system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission from the author. Brief quotations may be used in literary reviews.


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