My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee. Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart. (Prov. 7:1-3, KJV)
Do you have a favorite Bible version you read during your quiet time/prayer time? When you’re reading and studying God’s Word what translation do you prefer to use? Many people struggle with reading the Bible. They find it difficult to enjoy. Some don’t read God’s Word at all; while others neglect reading it like they should because (they feel) it’s too hard to understand or it’s too boring. But the Bible has all kinds of drama in it from start to finish, Genesis to Revelation.
The Bible has stories, true stories, of baby momma drama (Sarah and Hagar), betrayal, deception, (Jacob and Esau), murder, rape (Dinah), thieves, prostitutes (Rahab and Gomer), and it is packed with more action than any block buster movie. There are stories of love and romance (my favorite!), love found and love lost, intimacy, friendships, sacrifices, lust, and passion. Stories of heroes and “sheroes”, good vs. evil, wars and warriors, kings (David) and queens (Esther and Sheba), singing and dancing. There are also stories of God performing miraculous signs and wonders, angels, demons, demigods, and giants. And much, much more!
My sister, the Holy Bible is our true history book, for it has the beginning of all creation and gives specific details of our past, present, and what’s to come. In my opinion, the Bible will always be the number #1 Best Seller of all time.
Grab some popcorn, cuddle up on the couch today, and enjoy reading the greatest story that has ever been told. Here’s a helpful tip. You know what I have found to be most helpful when reading and studying the Bible? Reading the verses in different translations. 99% of the time, this gives me a better understanding and a love for Scripture. Give it a try! To help you get more out of your study time, meditation, and an enjoyment for reading the Word of God, I’ve created for you a helpful Bible study resource guide. It lists my favorite top 6 Bible translations. Download it and use it as you read your Bible.
Happy Friday and happy reading!
Encouraging You to Walk in Freedom! Copyright ©2010-2014. Rhovonda L. Brown. All Rights Reserved.
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