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Are you listening?

Writer's picture: Rhovonda BrownRhovonda Brown

“If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” (Is. 1:19-20, AMP)

There are times when I have to speak to my children over and over again about listening. It makes me so upset when I tell them to do something and they disobey me. When I give my children instructions, as a parent, I expect them to listen and then obey……but sometimes, that’s not always the case. Therefore, there are consequences for their actions. It seems, at times, obedience is the area that I’m often scolding them about. I find myself asking the question, Are you listening to me? Did you hear what I said?

I figure, at times, God says the same things to us, Are you listening to Me? Did you hear what I said? Like a parent, God expects us to listen to His voice and obey, but at times we don’t. He wants us to be obedient to every direction He gives. When He tells us to be quiet, then our mouths should be sealed. When He tells us to speak and only say what He tells us to say, then we should speak only His words. When He tells us to go, then we should move quickly without questioning. And when He tells us to stop, we should stand still.

I want to be obedient to the voice of the Lord. I want to obey God. When He calls, I want to come. But at times I plug up my ears and do what I want to do, just like a rebellious child. I know it makes God angry, just like it makes me angry when my children deliberately disobey me. And when I don’t listen, He asks me those same questions.

Are you listening to me? Did you hear what I said?

I realize that we can’t have victory in all areas of our lives, if we’re being disobedient to God. We can’t profess to be triumphant in our battles, if we’re covering up our ears when God is speaking to us. We can’t move pass the level we’re in or pass the test God has given us, if we’re disregarding His instructions.

Sister, you and I can’t be victorious without being obedient to God. Victory comes from obedience.

What are you battling today? Does it feel like you’re losing? Does it seem like the same situation and crisis are happening to you over and over again? Does it feel like you keep failing the same test?

Let’s ask ourselves this question: Am I experiencing difficulties because of my disobedience? Could my situation exist because of I’m rebelling against the Lord?

Let’s do a real survey of our life and honestly answer those questions.

Pray this prayer: Dear great and powerful Lord! We love You and we thank You for Your patience. We want to please You. We know that in pleasing You, we must be obedient to You. Father, help us be submissive children. Give us strength and the wisdom to honor You with our lives. We ask that You would remove fear, timidity, stubbornness, and replace it with love, humility, boldness (through Jesus Christ), and trust in You. We thank You for Your forgiveness, we thank You for changing us, and we thank You for giving us victory! In Jesus name, we pray, amen.


Copyright ©2010-2016. Rhovonda L. Brown. All Rights Reserved.

No portion of Martha & Mary Ministries, Walking in Freedom!™ Devotionals may be reproduced, stored in any electronic system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission from the author. Brief quotations may be used in literary reviews.


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