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Praying Hands

Prayer Time

1 Hour of Prayer | Sundays at 9 am

We are commanded in 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 to pray at all times and give God thanks. We know that prayer still works and with faith, our prayers can move mountains! Gather with us every Sunday morning from 9-10 am for "One Hour of Power" in prayer. This prayer time is lead by our associate minister, Sheila Brown-Lake, who has a passion for interceding and praying for God's people.

Ministries: Join Us
Image by Becca Tapert

Women Ministry

Martha & Mary Ministries, Walking in Freedom! â„¢ (M3)

We are driven by our passion to encourage the hurting and a desire to see every woman come into the full knowledge of her true worth and potential, which can only be found in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Connect with our women's ministry on social media for inspirational posts throughout the week.

Kids in Church

Children Ministry

Youth Ignited for Christ

Ignited for Christ Youth Nation Ministry's mission is to reach the nation of our Youth, to ignite a passion, a fire, excitement, and love for Christ. We believe each child is uniquely designed by the Creator. They are His masterpiece. We have an exciting ministry where our volunteers use their creativity, love for children, and love for Christ to minister to the next generation.


Men Ministry

Turning Point

Our Mission: To motivate male adults/teenagers to surrender to Christ and be led by the Holy Spirit. To build one another up through Scripture and fellowship (PowerHour/Hangouts). To seek God's direction, live in His purpose, and be the men God has called us to be in our homes, church, and communities. To make the decision to surrender to God and be led by the Holy Spirit.

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